We are the Festiniog Railway Heritage Group. For data protection and related purposes, we can be contacted at 9A Bold Lane, Aughton, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 6SG, telephone: 01695 420058, email: membership@frheritage.org.uk.
We will always comply with GDPR when dealing with your personal data. Further details of GDPR can be found on the website of the Information Commissioner (www.ico.gov.uk).
For the purposes of GDPR, the Festiniog Railway Heritage Group is the controller of all personal data we hold about you. We collect:
- Name, address, telephone number(s), email address(es), membership class, payment method and subscription status of members in order to manage the Group’s membership. This is held so that we can perform our contract with the member and for the legitimate interests of the Group. These details are held electronically for up to 12 months after membership lapses. A paper version of the record is retained indefinitely for archive purposes.
- Date of birth for junior members in order to manage membership categories which are age related. This is held so that we can perform our contract with the member. These details are held electronically for up to 12 months after membership lapses. A paper version of the record is retained indefinitely for archive purposes.
- Name and address of certain non-members who are entitled to receive copies of the Heritage Group Journal. This is held for the legitimate interests of the Group and is deleted when the non-member ceases to be eligible for free copies of the Journal.
- Name, address and, if ordering through our website, email address of anyone ordering goods from the Group. This is held so that we can perform our contract with the individual concerned and is deleted when no longer required for that purpose.
We will not transfer your personal data outside the EU.
We have implemented generally accepted standards of technology and operational security in order to protect personal data from loss, misuse or unauthorised alteration or destruction.
For any payments we take from you online we use a recognised online secure payment system.
We will notify you promptly in the event of any breach of your personal data which might expose you to serious risk.
We will never sell your personal data. We will not share your personal data with any third parties without your prior consent (which you may withhold) except where we are required to do so by law, or as follows:
- We may pass your personal data to third parties who are service providers, agents and subcontractors to us for the purposes of completing tasks and providing services to you on our behalf (e.g. printing and distributing the Journal). We do this for the purpose of our legitimate interests in operating the Group and for performing our contract with you. However, we disclose only the personal data that is necessary for the third party to deliver the service and where we have a contract in place that requires them to keep your information secure and not to use it for their own purposes. It is possible that third parties may themselves engage others (subprocessors) to process your data. Where this is the case third parties will be required to have contractual arrangements with their sub-processor(s) that ensure your information is kept secure and not used for their own purposes.
- We may pass change of address information to other organisations associated with the Ffestiniog and Welsh Highland Railways. These organisations will only use the information to update their records if they also hold personal data on you.
Under GDPR you have the right to access your personal data, be provided with information about how your data is processed, have your personal data corrected, ave your personal data erased in certain circumstances, object to or restrict how your personal data is processed and have your personal data transferred to yourself or another organisation in a commonly used machine-readable format in certain circumstances.
You have the right to complain about how we process your personal data to the Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/, telephone: 0303 123 1113.
Please address any comments, questions or requests to our Membership Secretary, email: membership@frheritage.org.uk.